My name is Serena Pavan and I am a Life and Executive Coach.
Born in Milan, I have always been passionate about humanities and self development. Graduated in Philosophy and Logic, I then decided to apply my field of studies in the business and corporate world and gained a master in Human Resources Management. I worked in corporate (Robert Bosch) and management consulting (Deloitte) in Milan, fashion start up (Aperlai by Alessandra Lanvin) in Paris and I am now based in Los Angeles where I became Certified Professional Coach (CPC) and Energy Leadership Index™ Master Practitioner (ELI-MP) with iPec coaching school.
My passion for people drives me to help them succeed. I help my clients to get to the next level, go through important transitions and express the best of their potential.
Professional Coaching is partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximise their personal and professional potential. Certified Coaches guarantee the application of a rigorous method, the use of specific tools that can be used only after an extensive training.
Source: International Coaching Federation (ICF)
The coaching partnership is a journey. It's a safe space where the clients are free to be vulnerable to explore and clarify their values, identify and embrace the emotions that are blocking and driving them. During their coaching path, they will define their goals, achieve a greater level of awareness about where they are, where they want to be and design the path to get there.
Connecting the Dots
During my studies in Philosophy and Logic, the Socratic method, also known as the maieutic method, stroke me as very contemporary and relevant to individuals in all aspect of their lives.
The Socratic debate is a form of cooperative argumentative dialogue between individuals, based on asking and answering questions to stimulate critical thinking and to draw out ideas and underlying presuppositions. Through the right set of powerful questions, the goal is to help the individual to generate their own ideas, to get to the truths that lie already in each of us waiting to be revealed. In a similar way, the coach helps the client to mature, develop and transform autonomously.
Through my experiences in the corporate world, consulting firms, and startups, I have found this method to be applicable to all aspect of our lives, whenever we are facing a transition, either small change or a pivotal moment.
Encouraging clients to discover and achieve their potential, by helping them identify their dreams, recognize what's standing in their way, and guide them in creating happier, more passion-filled lives.
Helping entrepreneurs and business professionals stay focused on their goals so they can maximize their potential and create lasting success. Empower busy owners and employees to create balanced lives while improving the way they do business every day.
Coaching accomplished executives as they strive to achieve excellence in every area of their lives. Helping clients realize tangible benefits, from increased business performance to a more fulfilling life.
Source: Copyright © 2017 | Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC)
Coaching is a journey, I will be your partner, granting you a safe and confidential space where you can feel free from judgments and opinions in exploring your own values, ideas, emotions and possibilities. Sessions are held over the phone (in English or Italian), which makes it accessible from everywhere. You will have accountability as you share your progress between sessions, and we'll build a clear and measurable plan to reach your goals over time.
Promote greater individual awareness
of how people think, feel, and act
Inspire others to reduce stress by
changing their reactions to circumstances
Set the stage for sustainable transformation
Core Energy Coaching™
Core Energy Coaches start the process “inside,” finding the root of most challenges and blocks to success, including limiting perspectives about the world, defeating thoughts, and outdated beliefs picked up from family, society, and the media. Uncover an unparalleled coaching approach that helps people shift inner blocks and create “choice” in how they think and feel while developing and strengthening their ability to:​
Create long-term solutions, not just band-aid fixes
Help clients perform better and accomplish
greater results with less effort
Empower clients to be the agent
of change in their own lives
Energy Leadership Index™ Assessment
The Energy Leadership™ Index (ELI) assessment is the proprietary, research-backed assessment tool that takes something abstract, like the way a person views the world, and turns it into something tangible—a metric that you can see and feel and even reevaluate in the future. And, it’s only available through an iPEC Certified Coach.
As individuals, we view the world through filters (based on our experiences, values, assumptions, etc.). Those filters will either limit what we see (like tunnel vision) or expand what we see (like a prism) and, thus, impact how we perceive and what we think about our circumstances. This, in turn, impacts how we show up in different situations.
The Energy Leadership Index assessment reveals what specific filters you’ve developed and how those filters are influencing the results you're achieving.